Courses & Consultations
Available Courses
Antenatal Classes
Breastfeeding Coaching
4th Trimester Consultation
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Acupuncture
Baby Yoga
Sling Library
Birth Pool Hire
Mini Matters - Pre pubescent education
Hypnobirthing is a series of techniques that are taught by a Hypnobirthing practitioner to expectant parents. These will allow you to feel calm and in control during any type of birth.
Hypnobirthing also provides parents with a wealth of knowledge to make informed decisions through education that can be applied to use during any type labour and birth. And education covering pregnancy, birth & beyond.
Hypnobirthing provides birthing people with increased confidence when faced with the dilemma of making a decision around interventions and services offered during pregnancy, birth and beyond.
These sessions will be hosted in 3 sessions each with a 2 hour duration over a period of several weeks.
Plus ongoing support & communication with Abigail.
Antenatal education provides evidence based guidance and support in pregnancy and birth, excluding Hypnobirthing techniques. The course teaches expectant women all about the preparation for pregnancy and birth across 2 sessions which are 2 hours in duration.
Breastfeeding education and support (pre and post birth) is available and provides in depth teachings and benefits for the mother and baby, learning about positioning, attachment and understanding what to expect in the early days. This course will help you prepare with practical tips and advice in a single 2 hour session.
Group breastfeeding support circles will also be available and advertised on Maternal Matters social media
Maternal Matters Studio
The HQ for Maternal Matters is a purpose built studio providing a private and calm ambience.
The studio will provide free maternal literature, book library, sling library and a variety of refreshments in addition to a toilet and changing facilities.
Please contact us for an Individual tailored quotation based on your specific requirements.
Look out for special offers on our Social Media channels.
The courses available below are priced from;
Virtual Group - £200
Virtual Individual - £250
Group Studio (Max of 3) - £275
1-2-1 Studio - £350
Virtual Group - £150
Virtual Individual - £180
Group Studio - £200
1-2-1 Studio - £250
Breastfeeding Consultation & Support
Virtual - £70
Studio - £80
*Special Offer - £50 if booked with another course
Payment Methods
The following payment methods are available;
Bank Transfer
Credit/ Debit Card
Contactless Payment